Al Ain Adventure Warrior Race - W.A.R 23

PremierOnline > Abu Dhabi Sports Council > Al Ain Adventure Warrior Race - W.A.R 23

City Al Ain
Date 19 October 2024, Saturday
Time 07:30 am*
This event scores highly!
Scoring an average of 7.9
in real reviews from actual participants this event is rated above average for most similar events.
Registration closes on 18.10.2024 at 10:59 PM or sooner if places sell out.
Cancel/Refund options expired on 11.10.2024 10:59 PM.
Category change options expired on 11.10.2024 10:59 PM.

ADSC, in collaboration with Al Ain Adventure, brings back the famous obstacle course race, W.A.R, with the 23rd community event version. The aim is to motivate the community to participate, challenge themselves, and get ready tojoin the 2024 Abu Dhabi Spartan World Championship.Held at the foot of the formidable Jebel Hafeet Mountain, WAR is as unyielding as its surroundings. Now in its the 23rd community event edition, this beast is recognized asthe toughest, and the most enjoyable adventure race in the country. You’ll be crawling through tunnels, leaping off wobbly inflatables and swimming against the rapids, before dragging heavy-duty sandbags across the desert. With two different categories (Elite and Just for Fun) to cater for the different fitness levels and runningabilities. Al Ain Adventure gives people a choice to go for the win or just complete the course and have fun. Push your limits and challenge yourself.

ينظم مجلس ابوظبي الرياضي والعين ادفنيتشر العلامة الأبرز لسباقات العقبات والتحمل وتخطي الحواجز في الامارة، " سباق محاربي العين ادفنيتشر 2024" ذات السباقات المجتمعية مختلفة الفئات والمستويات التي ستقام يوم السبت الموافق 19 اكتوبر 2024 المقبل، وتأتي في إطار تعزيز السياحة الرياضية من خلال وضع المشاركون على موعد مع المغامرة والتشويق وسط الطبيعة الساحرة التي تتمتع بها مدينة العين.

Individual Categories / Events Price (AED)
10K Elite - 8:10 am - Normal
14 - 70 Years, Male
14 - 70 Years, Female
10K Elite - 8:15 am - Normal
14 - 70 Years, Male
14 - 70 Years, Female
10K Just for Fun - 8:30 am - Normal
14 - 70 Years, Male
14 - 70 Years, Female
10K Just for Fun - 8:35 am - Normal
14 - 70 Years, Male
14 - 70 Years, Female
10K Just for Fun - 8:40 am - Normal
14 - 70 Years, Male
14 - 70 Years, Female
5K Elite - 8:20 am - Normal
14 - 70 Years, Male
14 - 70 Years, Female
5K Elite - 8:25 am - Normal
14 - 70 Years, Male
14 - 70 Years, Female
5K Just for Fun - 8:45 am - Normal
14 - 70 Years, Male
14 - 70 Years, Female
5K Just for Fun - 8:50 am - Normal
14 - 70 Years, Male
14 - 70 Years, Female
5K Just for Fun - 8:55 am - Normal
14 - 70 Years, Male
14 - 70 Years, Female
WAR Junior Elite (11 to 13 years ) - 2K - 9:30 am - Normal
11 - 13 Years, Male
11 - 13 Years, Female
WAR Junior Elite (7 to 10 years) - 2K 9:45 am - Normal
7 - 10 Years, Male
7 - 10 Years, Female
WAR Junior (11to13 years)-2K Just for Fun10:00am - Normal
11 - 13 Years, Male
11 - 13 Years, Female
WAR Junior (7 to 10 years)-2K Just for Fun 10:15am - Normal
7 - 10 Years, Male
7 - 10 Years, Female
Prices shown include VAT where applicable.
  • Race Schedule جدول اليوم

    10K - Elite - 8:10 AM
    10K- Elite - 8:15 AM
    5K - Elite- - 8:20 AM
    5K - Elite - 8:25 AM
    10K Just for Fun - 8:30 AM
    10K Just for Fun - 8:35 AM
    10K Just for Fun - 8:40 AM
    5K Just for Fun - 8:45 AM
    5K Just for Fun - 8:50 AM
    5K Just for Fun - 8:55 AM

    WAR Junior (11to13) -2K Elite - 9:30 AM
    WAR Junior (7 to10 ) - 2K Elite - 9:45 AM
    WAR Junior (11to13) -2K Just for Fun -10:00 AM
    WAR Junior (7 to10) - 2K Just for Fun- 10:15 AM

  • Event Location?

    Al Ain Adventure; see the Event Location map on this page.

  • أين موقع هذا الحدث؟

    يرجى الاطلاع على خريطة موقع السباق على هذه الصفحة.

  • By what time should I arrive at the event venue?

    Please arrive at the venue no later that 1 Hour before your start time.

  • في أي وقت يجب أن أصل إلى مكان الحدث؟

    برجاء الحضور ساعة قبل موعد الحدث على الأقل

  • Obstacles:

    25 Obstacles plus for 10 km, 15 plus for 5 km and 10 plus for juniors.
    In all races, you can expect to get wet, and muddy, and have the best time ever!

  • العقبات:

    25 عقبة إضافية لمسافة 10 كيلومترات، و15 عقبة إضافية لمسافة 5 كيلومترات، و10 عقبات إضافية للناشئين.
    في جميع السباقات، يمكنك أن تتوقع أن تبتل وتتسخ بالطين، وأن تحظى بأفضل وقت على الإطلاق!

  • Prizes:

    Only registrants signing up for and competing in the 'Elite' categories will be eligible for prizes

  • الجوائز

    فقط المسجلون و الذين يتنافسون في فئات "النخبة" هم المؤهلون للحصول على الجوائز

Included: Certificate, Live Results, Medal, Photo Service or Download, Timing, T-Shirt, Headband, WIFI and Discount Admission Ticket from Al Ain Adventure Park. T-Shirt, Headband, WIFI and Discount Admission Ticket from Al Ain Adventure Park.
Refund Policy: Premier Online guarantees your right to cancel and receive a refund (subject to applicable fees) for paid events within specified time limits.

* Some events have multiple start times and many events request attendees to arrive by a certain time; Please check the Event Information section above for details or contact the organizer for clarification.


10 Days

5 Days Left


Al Ain Adventure

Location: Al Ain

Contact the Organizers

Event Results

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Event Downloads

Al Ain Adventure Warrior Race W.A.R23 Event -19th October 2024.pdf

08.10.2024 12:54 PM - 5.62 MB

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