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Al Mirfa Run

PremierOnline > Abu Dhabi Sports Council > Al Mirfa Run

0.00 (AED)

City Dhafra
Date 26 September 2024, Thursday
Time 06:00 pm*
Registration closed on 26.09.2024 5:44 PM.
Cancel/Refund options expired on 21.09.2024 5:44 PM.
Category change options expired on 21.09.2024 5:44 PM.

Join us for the Al Mirfa Run at the picturesque Mugheirah Bay on September 26. Participants can choose between three distances: 1km, 3km, or 5km. All routes will take runners across the stunning mangrove boardwalk, offering breathtaking views of nature, and through the peaceful streets of the Al Mirfa neighbourhood.

After the run, stay for the award ceremony and a thrilling raffle draw where 30 Apple Watches will be given away! Don't miss this exciting event that blends fitness, fun, and fantastic prizes.

انضموا إلينا في سباق المرفأ في خليج المغيره الخلاب يوم 26 سبتمبر. يمكن للمشاركين الاختيار بين ثلاث مسافات: 1 كيلومتر، 3 كيلومترات، أو 5 كيلومترات. جميع المسارات تأخذ العدائين عبر الممر الخشبي المذهل في أشجار القرم، مما يوفر مناظر طبيعية خلابة، وتمر عبر شوارع حي المرفأ الهادئة.

بعد السباق، ابقوا معنا لحضور حفل توزيع الجوائز وسحب القرعة المثير حيث سيتم توزيع 30 ساعة من نوع Apple! لا تفوتوا هذا الحدث الرائع الذي يجمع بين اللياقة، المرح، والجوائز الرائعة.

Individual Categories / Events Price (AED)
1km - Normal
0 - 99 Years, Male
0 - 99 Years, Female
3km - Normal
0 - 99 Years, Male
0 - 99 Years, Female
5km - Normal
0 - 99 Years, Male
0 - 99 Years, Female
Prices shown include VAT where applicable.
Included: Certificate, Medal, Refreshments, Timing, T-shirt
Refund Policy: Premier Online guarantees your right to cancel and receive a refund (subject to applicable fees) for paid events within specified time limits.

* Some events have multiple start times and many events request attendees to arrive by a certain time; Please check the Event Information section above for details or contact the organizer for clarification.


Course Maps

9 Days

0 Days Left


Abu Dhabi Sports Council

Location: Dhafra

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