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Al Warqa Juniors Challenge

PremierOnline > Endurance Sports Services > Al Warqa Juniors Challenge

City Dubai
Date 21 May 2023, Sunday
Time 06:00 am*
Registration closed on 20.05.2023 11:59 PM.
Cancel/Refund options expired on 19.05.2023 11:59 PM.
Category change options expired on 19.05.2023 11:59 PM.

القدرة للخدمات الرياضية وبتعاون مع قريق الورقاء و مجلس دبي الرياضي و اتحاد الامارات للالعاب القوى و تحدي جمال الشعفار
يسعدنا ان
نعلن عن سباق وتحدي الاول من نوعه تحدي الورقاء للصغار
للفئات العمرية الاقل من 16 سنة للذكورفقط . وهنالك جوائز مالية للعشر الاوائل من بكل مسافة و للفئتين و كوؤس بانتطار الفائزين عند خط النهابة
سارعوا للتسجبل فالعدد محدود

Endurance Sports Services, in cooperation with Al Warqa Team,& Dubai Sports Council, and UAE Athletics Federation, and Jamal Al Shaffer Challenge, we are pleased to announce a race and challenge the first of its kind, the Al Warqa Juniors Challenge
For juniors under 16 years Male Only
there are cash prizes for the winners of the top ten of each distance, and cups waiting for the winners at the finish line.
Hurry up to register as numbers are limited.

Individual Categories / Events Price (AED)
3 km 15 - 16 Sold Out
15 - 16 Years, Male
3 km 13 - 14 Sold Out
13 - 14 Years, Male
1.5 km 6 - 12 Sold Out
6 - 12 Years, Male
Prices shown include VAT where applicable.
  • What is the Event Day Schedule?

    5:00,AM : Check in open
    5:50 AM : Check in close
    6:00 AM : 3 KM 15 - 16 race start
    6:30 AM : 3 KM 13 - 14 race start
    7:00 AM : 1.5 KM 6 - 12 race start
    7:30 AM : Awards ceremony
    7:30 AM : Cut off time

  • What are the Age Categories?

    3 KM 15 - 16
    3 KM 15 - 16
    1.5 KM 6 - 12

  • Where is the race Location?

    Al Warqa'a Jogging Track

  • Where can I find my Results?


  • What are the prizes for this event?

    3km 15-16 age group

    المركز الجائزة المالية
    الاول 800
    الثاني 700
    الثالث 500
    الرابع 200
    الخامس 200
    السادس 200
    السابع 200
    الثامن 200
    التاسع 200
    العاشر 200

    3km age group 13-14
    المركز الجائزة المالية
    الاول 500
    الثاني 400
    الثالث 300
    الرابع 200
    الخامس 200
    السادس 200
    السابع 200
    الثامن 200
    التاسع 200
    العاشر 200

    1.5km age group 13-14

    المركز الجائزة المالية
    الاول 500
    الثاني 400
    الثالث 300
    الرابع 200
    الخامس 200
    السادس 200
    السابع 200
    الثامن 200
    التاسع 200
    العاشر 200

Included: Certificate, Live Results, Medal, Photo Service or Download, Refreshments, Timing
Refund Policy: Premier Online guarantees your right to cancel and receive a refund (subject to applicable fees) for paid events within specified time limits.

* Some events have multiple start times and many events request attendees to arrive by a certain time; Please check the Event Information section above for details or contact the organizer for clarification.


9 Days

0 Days Left


Endurance Sports Services

Location: Dubai

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