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Cancer Run by Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi - 2025 Dubai

PremierOnline > Cancer Run > Cancer Run by Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi - 2025 Dubai

City Dubai
Date 08 February 2025, Saturday
Time 07:00 am*
This event occurred in the past; information is likely to be out of date.
Registration closed on 08.02.2025 7:14 AM.
Cancel/Refund options expired on 01.02.2025 7:14 AM.
Category change options expired on 01.02.2025 7:14 AM.

The Cancer Run will be hosted in Dubai at Dubai Design District (D3) to spread awareness about the various types of cancer and encourage community members to take part in the run in support of families and friends. The run will be open to both males and females, supporting different types of cancers.

Individual Categories / Events Price (AED)
1KM Junior -
0 - 18 Years, Male
0 - 18 Years, Female
1KM -
19 - 99 Years, Male
19 - 99 Years, Female
3KM Junior -
0 - 18 Years, Male
0 - 18 Years, Female
3KM -
19 - 99 Years, Male
19 - 99 Years, Female
5KM Junior -
0 - 18 Years, Male
0 - 18 Years, Female
5KM -
19 - 99 Years, Male
19 - 99 Years, Female
10KM Junior -
0 - 18 Years, Male
0 - 18 Years, Female
10KM -
19 - 99 Years, Male
19 - 99 Years, Female
Prices shown include VAT where applicable.
  • How do I find my race number?

    This will be sent to you via SMS the Saturday before the event.

  • When and where is Race Pack Collection?

    The race pack will be collected on February 8th 2024 on the event day
    The location is at the event venue.
    Please bring your Emirates ID for verification purposes.
    You may collect for a friend provided you have a copy of their Emirates ID.

  • Can I collect my race pack on the morning of the race?

    Yes the Race Pack Collection is on the event day

  • Can I collect a friends Race Pack on their behalf?

    Yes this is possible provided you show us a copy of their Emirates ID when collecting.

  • What to do at Race Pack collection?

    Make sure you know what your Race Number is before arriving. This would have been sent to you by SMS and will speed up the collection process for you.
    Once you know your Race Number, proceed directly to your corresponding Race Number collection desk and collect your Race Pack.
    Please check that all your data which is printed on the label of the Race Pack envelope is correct. This includes your Run Number, name, age, gender, and distance, and in the event of there being any errors, please let our Check In staff know so we can change it for you so that you have the correct result when finishing the race.

  • When is the Shirt Collection?

    • To be collected at Race Pack Collection.
    • There is shirt collection on the day of the race.
    • Please make sure to wear your race shirt on race day to support the race.

  • Data check - Did I register with the correct date of birth and gender?

    When collecting your race pack, you will be asked your full name, gender and age. This is to check that you are collecting the correct race pack and that you are not entered into the wrong age category or gender. Please assist our staff with this data check to ensure the correct race results are recorded for all participants.

  • What does the race pack include?

    1 x labelled envelope
    1 x race bib/number with timing chip attached to the back.
    4 x safety pins
    1 x official Race T-Shirt. We ask all participants to wear the Official T-Shirt when you compete in the race.
    1 x draw string bag
    1 x Bag drop voucher

  • How do I get to the race venue?

    • Taxi or Drive.
    • The Exact Location for the race will be shared two weeks before the event
    Once on the island follow signage to parking and start line

  • What about Parking?

    There is plenty of FREE parking - follow signage to parking once on venue.

  • What are the Course Highlights?

    The Cancer Run at Dubai Design District (D3) offers a vibrant urban route, awareness checkpoints, and hydration stations, creating a family-friendly event for all fitness levels. Celebrate at the finish line with live entertainment, food stalls, and cancer support resources.

  • Where can I find a map of the course?

    See the DOWNLOADS section of this race for course maps.

  • What is the Race Day Program & Timings?

    Be at the race venue at least 30 minutes prior to the start of your race. There is NO Registration on the day.

    06h00 Race Village Opens
    06h45 Welcome and Warm Up
    06h55 Race Briefing at the Start Line
    07h00 10km Race Starts
    07h03 5km Race Starts
    07h06 3km Race Starts
    07h08 1km Race Starts

    08h30 Prize Giving
    09h00 Cut-off time for all races

  • What are the Distances & Age groups?

    Age Groups are calculated as per your age on race day.
    Male and Female categories for all age groups:
    10km: 0 – 18 years | 19 – 29 years | 30 – 39 years | 40 – 49 years | 50 years+
    5km: 0 – 18 years | 19 – 29 years | 30 – 39 years | 40 – 49 years | 50 years+
    3km: 0 – 8 years | 9 – 12 years | 13 – 18 years | 19 years+
    1km: 0 – 8 years | 9 – 10 years | 11 – 12 years

    (See the DOWNLOADS section of this race for course maps.)

  • Can I change distance?

    No distance changes are allowed.

  • What should I do with my Race Bib / Number?

    • Bibs must be worn on your upper body (chest) with the number facing outward.
    • Use the safety pins provided to attach the bib to your run shirt or use a race belt to attach the bib to the belt and wear it around your waist. Race belts will need to be purchased separately.
    • Bibs have to be worn before you start the race and only be removed once you finish the race.
    • Make sure your bib has a timing chip attached to the back of it and do not remove this chip till after you have finished the race.

  • What should I do with my Timing Chip?

    Timing chips are attached to the back of your race bib.
    Ensure your bib has 1 timing chip stuck to the back and if not, please see Super Sports staff on the day to issue you with a new bib.

  • How easy/difficult is the course?

    Easy, perfect for first timers to advanced runners.
    Flat and fast with some twist and turns

  • What are the support stations and where are they placed?

    3 x Self-service water Stations on the course as well as 1 x at the finish line.

  • Finishers Medal

    Finisher medals are only available to runners who take part and complete the full distance.

  • What happens if I arrive late for race start?

    Participants who are more than 15 minutes late for the start of their respective distance will not be allowed to participate.

  • Are there any discounts available?

    Early Bird Discounts are available and will be communicated on the Category Page of this event.

  • How do I enter a corporate team?

    Invite your work colleagues to enter a company team (minimum 20 runners). No discounts available, contact [email protected] for more information.

  • Where can I find the Race Results?

    Please scan the QR codes in the Race Village to view your result once you have finished running. Full results will be available as soon as possible and will be emailed to you on Sunday

  • Where can I find the Race Photos?

    Photos can be found on your results page by clicking on the CAMERA icon and then doing a bib or selfie search. Photos will be available 24 hours after the race has finished. Individual photos are not included in the race fee nor guaranteed.

  • Any additional information participants should know about?

    All information regarding the Race, Race Course, etc can be found in the Event Downloads section of this Race on Premier Online, so ensure you have a clear understanding of the rules and regulations as well as what the course will look like / entail.

  • Refunds/Cancellations

    Once entries close or the event is sold out, no refunds are possible for whatever reason which includes and not limited to: change in personal circumstances, sickness, travel restrictions, or any circumstances related to Covid 19 which may prevent you from participating in the event.
    Unclaimed race packs after the start of a respective distance will be forfeited in full.

  • What are the prizes for this event?


    10k Run Winners

    1st Place - AED 2000

    2nd Place - AED 1500

    3rd Place - AED 1000

    5k Run Winners

    1st Place - AED 1500

    2nd Place - AED 1000

    3rd Place - AED 750

    Selected groups or participants will also receive consolation prizes.

Included: Medal, Refreshments, Race Shirts
Refund Policy: Premier Online guarantees your right to cancel and receive a refund (subject to applicable fees) for paid events within specified time limits.

* Some events have multiple start times and many events request attendees to arrive by a certain time; Please check the Event Information section above for details or contact the organizer for clarification.


Course Maps

26 Days

0 Days Left



Location: Dubai

Contact the Organizers

Event Results

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