Download Strava App and Join the Tikitaka sport Management club so we can see your activity progress.
Label your activity "AlAin Climbing the Stairs Virtual Challenge (and your Name and number of Steps you had climbed in 15 minutes)"
You must have recorded your climbing activity on a GPS tracker (free apps are available to record this for you if you don’t have a device) and upload a screenshot of the date, number of climbed stairs and time of the activity and your results on Tikitaka Instagram page to tag them at @tikitaka.s.m and at #AlainclimbingthestairsVirtual challenge And send your Running videos and recorded trackers to [email protected]
Premier Online guarantees your right to cancel and receive a refund (subject to applicable fees) for paid events within specified time limits.
* Some events have multiple start times and many events request attendees to arrive by a certain time; Please check the Event Information section above for details or contact the organizer for clarification.