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Dubai South Run

PremierOnline > Super Sports UAE > Dubai South Run

50.00 (AED)

City Dubai
Date 05 November 2023, Sunday
Time 04:30 pm*
This event occurred in the past; information is likely to be out of date.
Registration closed on 05.11.2023 9:59 AM.
Cancel/Refund options expired on 02.11.2023 9:59 AM.
Category change options expired on 02.11.2023 9:59 AM.

Be part of the inaugural Dubai South Run as part of The Dubai Fitness Challenge on Sunday, 5 November, 4.30pm start. This afternoon sunset run entry fee is only AED50 and includes a t-shirt, finishers medal, chip timing, prize giving and refreshments. The races start from the Dubai South HQ building onto a fast and flat course taking you through the heart of the Dubai South HQ area. Distances include 3km, 5km & 10km so there is something for everyone in the whole family, company, or club. So book now and join us for some beautiful sunset vibes at the amazing Dubai South.

All important race information can be found in the EVENT INFORMATION and Download section.

Individual Categories / Events Price (AED)
3km: Junior - u9y, 9-12y, 13-18y
0 - 18 Years, Male
0 - 18 Years, Female
3km: Adult - 19y+
19 - 99 Years, Male
19 - 99 Years, Female
5km: Junior - u13y, 13-18y
0 - 18 Years, Male
0 - 18 Years, Female
5km: Adult - 19-29y, 30-39y, 40-49y, 50y+
19 - 99 Years, Male
19 - 99 Years, Female
10km: Junior - 15-18y
15 - 18 Years, Male
15 - 18 Years, Female
10km: Adult - 19-29y, 30-39y, 40-49y, 50y+
19 - 99 Years, Male
19 - 99 Years, Female
Prices shown include VAT where applicable.
  • How do I find my race number?
  • When is Race Check In and race number and timing chip collection?
  • Data check - Did I register with the correct date of birth and gender?
  • When is the Shirt Collection?
  • What are the Course Highlights?
  • Where is the Venue & is Parking available?
  • What are the Race Day Program & Timings?
  • What are the Distances & Age groups?
  • What should I do with my Race Bib?
  • What should I do with my Timing Chip?
  • How easy/difficult is the course?
  • What are the support stations and where are they placed?
  • Are there any Family Discounts available?
  • How do I change distance?
  • Where can I find the Race Results?
  • Where can I find the Race Photos?
  • Any additional information participants should know about?
  • Why have I not received any race emails from the event organizer?
  • Refunds/Cancellation
Included: Certificate, Medal, Refreshments, Timing, Race T-Shirt
Refund Policy: Premier Online guarantees your right to cancel and receive a refund (subject to applicable fees) for paid events within specified time limits.

* Some events have multiple start times and many events request attendees to arrive by a certain time; Please check the Event Information section above for details or contact the organizer for clarification.


109 Days

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Super Sports UAE

Location: Dubai

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