Erada Virtual Run

PremierOnline > Endurance Sports Services > Erada Virtual Run

City Anywhere you wish
Date 11 November 2020, Wednesday - 11 November 2020, Wednesday
Time 12:00 am*
This event occurred in the past; information is likely to be out of date.
Registration closed on 10.11.2020 11:59 PM.
Cancel/Refund options expired on 11.10.2020 11:59 PM.
Category change options expired on 09.10.2020 11:59 PM.

Erada Center for Treatment and Rehabilitation was established based on the vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and the initiative of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum. It aims to treat the disease of substance use disorders and alcohol addiction which result in negative psychological, economical, social and physical impacts. Erada is an independent center committed to offer treatment and rehabilitation services, increase awareness about this disease and contribute to scientific research in the field of addiction.

The world celebrates the World Mental Health Day every year on the tenth of October.
The purpose of the day is to have more open discussions about mental illness and to make investments in both services and prevention.
Statistics issued by the World Health Organization in 2002 indicate that 154 million people suffer from depression worldwide, noting that depression is only one type of mental illness.

On the occasion of the World Mental Health Day, Erada Center in cooperation with Endurance Sports Services proudly presents Erada Virtual Run, to activate the role of community sports and promote for the active role of the center in society.

Individual Categories / Events Price (AED)
5km Erada Run (Medal delivery within UAE)
0 - 99 Years, Male
0 - 99 Years, Female
5km Erada Run (Medal delivery within GCC)
0 - 99 Years, Male
0 - 99 Years, Female
5km Erada Run (International Medal delivery)
0 - 99 Years, Male
0 - 99 Years, Female
Prices shown include VAT where applicable.
  • What are the Terms and Conditions for participation?

    - Finish 5km of running / walking outdoor or on treadmill
    - The activity must be done in the period from 10/10/2020 to 11/11/2020

  • ما هي شروط المشاركة؟

    - الجري/المشي لمسافة 5 كيلومتر في الخارج أو على جهاز الجري
    - ممارسة النشاط في الفترة من 10/10/2020 إلى 11/11/2020

  • How can I participate?

    1- Register for the event.
    2- Run/walk 5km and record your activity through any of the well known tracking programs such as (Apple Watch / Android / Garmin / Strava application or similar other apps)
    3- Capture (screenshot) your activity summary or take a photo of your treadmill screen after you finish and upload it along with your personal data* on the link that you will receive by email after registration, before 11th November 2020
    4- Congratulations! You have completed your participation and will be contacted within two weeks to arrange the delivery of your medal to your chosen address.
    5- Register in your next event!
    *Submission of personal data outside of Premier Online is not covered by the Premier Online Privacy Policy

  • طريقة المشاركة:

    ١- التسجيل في الفعالية
    ٢- الجري / المشي لمسافة 5 كيلومتر خلال الفترة المحددة وتوثيق ذلك من خلال أحد برامج التتبع مثل (ساعة أبل / اندرويد / جارمن / تطبيق سترافا او غيرها من البرامج المتوفرة)
    ٣- التقط صورة (كابجر) من صفحة النشاط في هاتفك أو صور شاشة الجهاز بعد الانتهاء من التمرين وارفعها مع بياناتك الشخصية * على الرابط الذي سيتم ارساله عبر البريد الالكتروني بعد التسجيل
    ، وذلك قبل تاريخ 11 نوفمبر 2020
    ٤- مبروك! هذا كل شيء، سيتم التواصل معك خلال أسبوعين لإيصال ميدالية المشاركة التذكارية إلى منزلك أو مقر عملك!
    ٥- سجل في سباقك القادم!
    * لا تغطي سياسة خصوصية بريميير اونلاين تقديم البيانات الشخصية خارج بريميير اونلاين

  • How to submit my activity?

    1- You will receive an email with URL after registration process to upload your activity proof with required details*
    2- The proof must include distance and time.
    3- After we received your proof, we will review it, once it's approved you will receive a confirmation email within 3 days. Then we will contact you by phone to arrange your medal delivery within 2 weeks (for local delivery within the UAE only, international deliveries will take longer depending on the country).
    *Submission of personal data outside of Premier Online is not covered by the Premier Online Privacy Policy

  • كيف أقوم برفع مشاركتي في النشاط؟

    1- ستتلقى بريدًا إلكترونيًا فيه رابط لتحميل نشاطك يثبت بالتفاصيل المطلوبة*
    2- يجب أن يحتوي دليل النشاط على المسافة المقطوعة والمدة.
    3- بعد استلامنا للنتيجة، سنراجع مشاركتك، بمجرد الموافقة عليها، ستتلقى رسالة تأكيد عبر البريد الإلكتروني في غضون 3 أيام. ثم سنتصل بك عن طريق الهاتف لتنسيق موعد تسليم الميدالية خلال أسبوعين (للمشاركات من داخل الدولة، أما المشاركات من خارج الدولة فعادةً تأخذ وقت أطول للتوصيل حسب الدولة)
    * لا تغطي سياسة خصوصية بريميير اونلاين تقديم البيانات الشخصية خارج بريميير اونلاين

Included: Certificate, Medal, Medal Delivery (Extra custom charges may apply for deliveries outside the UAE)
Refund Policy: Premier Online guarantees your right to cancel and receive a refund (subject to applicable fees) for paid events within specified time limits.

* Some events have multiple start times and many events request attendees to arrive by a certain time; Please check the Event Information section above for details or contact the organizer for clarification.

44 Days

0 Days Left


Endurance Sports Services

Location: Anywhere you wish

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