Rising 1,240 metres, Jebel Hafeet is the Emirate's highest peak, and UAE's second. Test your fitness and run 12.5km up the mountain in the Jebel Hafeet Challenge.
Starting from the Green Mubazarah park and running all the way to the top of the mountain. Water will be provided along the way and there will be transport to get you back down mountain after the race.
Great fun and a wonderful experience, we look forward to seeing you then.
يبلغ ارتفاع جبل حفيت 1،240 متراً ، وهو أعلى قمة في الإمارات ، والثاني في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. اختبر لياقتك وركض لمسافة 12.5 كلم فوق الجبل في تحدي جبل حفيت.
Uphill winding course starting from the Green Mubazzarah Park and finishing right at the top of the Jebel Hafeet Mountain. Running will be on the main road.
In case of any emergencies, please inform any one of the event crew. Ambulances from Mediclic and the Abu Dhabi Police will be at your service. There will also be a few support vehicles in assistance.
Thanks to the Abu Dhabi Police, the roads will be closed off just for the race...please make an effort to reach the top before the 11:30pm cut off as the police will be looking to reopen the road to the public.
There will be water stations at the 2km, 6km and 10km points, as well as the two relay transition points. There will be 5 water stations on the course and some water will be available at the start & finishing line.
At the end of the 12,5km run uphill, your lovely medal will be waiting for you at the top of the mountain. Well done, you have earned it
Goody Bag, Live Results, Medal, Refreshments, Timing, Transport from the finishing line.
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* Some events have multiple start times and many events request attendees to arrive by a certain time; Please check the Event Information section above for details or contact the organizer for clarification.