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Jeddah Historic Half Marathon

PremierOnline > Delta Sports > Jeddah Historic Half Marathon

City Jeddah
Date 02 March 2024, Saturday
Time 06:00 am*
This event occurred in the past; information is likely to be out of date.
Registration closed on 01.03.2024 11:59 PM.
Cancel/Refund options expired on 27.02.2024 11:59 PM.
Category change options expired on 27.02.2024 11:59 PM.

نصف ماراثون جدة هو حدث رياضي فريد من نوعه، يمثل احتفالية تجمع بين الرياضة والثقافة والتاريخ، ويقام في مدينة جدة.

سينطلق السباق من منطقة جدة التاريخية المدرجة ضمن قائمة اليونسكو للتراث العالمي، وسيكون خط بداية السباق من أمام باب جديد، أحد بوابات السور القديم للمدينة والذي يعود تاريخ تأسيسه لقرون.

ويتنافس على الفوز بالسباق 2000 متسابق من الجنسين، بالركض عبر مسار خلاب بطول 21.1 كم، يمر عبر الشوارع القديمة للمنطقة وأبرز معالمها وأسواقها التي تحكي التاريخ العريق لجدة وأهلها.

فانطلاقا من باب جديد مرورا ببيت نصيف ومتحف المتبولي ومسجد الجفالي ونافورة الملك فهد وصولاً على كورنيش جدة، ثم العودة مرة أخرى إلى خط نهاية السباق في باب جديد بمنطقة جدة التاريخية ، سيستمع المتسابقون بتجربة لا تنسى في عروس البحر الأحمر جدة.

Jeddah Historic District will host the Half Marathon. More than just a race, the event is a vibrant celebration of sport, culture, and history.

Male and female runners will embark on a unique journey through the heart of Jeddah, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The race will begin at Bab Jadid, a centuries-old gate in the historic city walls. From there, runners will wind through charming streets, past iconic landmarks, and bustling markets.

The 21.1 km route will take participants past Nassif House, a breathtaking example of traditional Hijazi architecture; Al-Matbouli Museum, which delves into the city's fascinating cultural heritage; Al-Juffali Mosque, a masterpiece of Islamic design; King Fahd Fountain, a symbol of modern Jeddah's vibrancy; and a bustling hub overlooking the picturesque Jeddah Corniche.

The race will finish in Bad Jadid, where runners will be met with cheers and celebration. The Jeddah Historic District Half Marathon promises an invigorating race, a cultural immersion, and a chance to experience the vibrant spirit of this historic city.

Individual Categories / Events Price (SAR)
21KM Half Marathon - Early Bird Sold Out
18 - 99 Years, Male
18 - 99 Years, Female
21KM Half Marathon - Normal Sold Out
18 - 99 Years, Male
18 - 99 Years, Female
10KM Race - Early Bird Sold Out
12 - 99 Years, Male
12 - 99 Years, Female
10KM Race - Normal Sold Out
12 - 99 Years, Male
12 - 99 Years, Female
4KM - Early Bird Sold Out
0 - 99 Years, Male
0 - 99 Years, Female
4KM - Normal Sold Out
0 - 99 Years, Male
0 - 99 Years, Female
1KM - Early Bird Sold Out
0 - 99 Years, Male
0 - 99 Years, Female
1KM - Normal Sold Out
0 - 99 Years, Male
0 - 99 Years, Female
1KM Special Needs - Early Bird Sold Out
0 - 99 Years, Male
0 - 99 Years, Female
1KM Special Needs - Normal Sold Out
0 - 99 Years, Male
0 - 99 Years, Female
Prices shown include VAT where applicable.
Included: Certificate, Goody Bag, Live Results, Medal, Photo Service or Download, Refreshments, Timing, T-shirt
Refund Policy: Premier Online guarantees your right to cancel and receive a refund (subject to applicable fees) for paid events within specified time limits.

* Some events have multiple start times and many events request attendees to arrive by a certain time; Please check the Event Information section above for details or contact the organizer for clarification.


Course Maps

18 Days

0 Days Left


Jeddah Historic District

Location: Jeddah

Contact the Organizers

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