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Oceanic Khorfakkan Triathlon Series - Race 2 of 2

PremierOnline > Endurance Sports Services > Oceanic Khorfakkan Triathlon Series - Race 2 of 2

City Khorfakkan
Date 23 February 2025, Sunday
Time 06:20 am*
This event occurred in the past; information is likely to be out of date.
Registration closed on 23.02.2025 5:59 PM.
Cancel/Refund options expired on 21.02.2025 5:59 PM.
Category change options expired on 21.02.2025 5:59 PM.

We are proud to present the Oceanic Multisport Series, organized by the Sharjah Sports Council and Oceanic Hotel, in cooperation with Endurance Sports Services.
The Oceanic Multisport Series Triathlon 20024/2025 will take place as always in the breathtaking Khorfakkan. The race will start with a swim in the calm waters of the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean. Then, athletes head out on a bike ride through the beautiful city with virtually traffic-free roads manned by the Sharjah Police. They will then transition to the run on the new jogging track of the Khorfakkan Corniche.
Just a 90-minute drive from Dubai, the route will be easy and smooth and perfect for everyone from beginners to advanced levels who want to take on the rolling hills of the city.
We will have a race village set up with sporting goods, bike mechanics, coffee and refreshments, and much more to make everyone’s race experience enjoyable.

نحن فخورون بتقديم سلسلة أوشيانك متعددة الرياضات، التي ينظمها مجلس الشارقة الرياضي وفندق أوشيانك، بالتعاون مع خدمات التحمل الرياضية.ستقام سلسلة أوشيانك متعددة الرياضات للترايثلون 20024/2025 كما هو الحال دائمًا في خورفكان الخلابة. سيبدأ السباق بالسباحة في المياه الهادئة للبحر العربي والمحيط الهندي. بعد ذلك، ينطلق الرياضيون في جولة بالدراجات عبر المدينة الجميلة ذات الطرق الخالية من حركة المرور تقريبًا والتي يديرها شرطة الشارقة. ثم ينتقلون إلى الجري على مضمار الجري الجديد بكورنيش خورفكان.على بعد 90 دقيقة فقط بالسيارة من دبي، سيكون الطريق سهلًا وسلسًا ومثاليًا للجميع من المبتدئين إلى المستويات المتقدمة الذين يرغبون في خوض التلال المتدحرجة في المدينة.سيتم إنشاء قرية سباق مع أدوات رياضية وميكانيكا دراجات وقهوة ومرطبات وأكثر من ذلك بكثير لجعل تجربة السباق ممتعة للجميع.

Individual Categories / Events Price (AED)
Olympic - Sold Out
19 - 29 Years, Male
19 - 29 Years, Female
Olympic - Sold Out
30 - 39 Years, Male
30 - 39 Years, Female
Olympic - Sold Out
40 - 49 Years, Male
40 - 49 Years, Female
Olympic - Sold Out
50 - 99 Years, Male
50 - 99 Years, Female
Sprint - Sold Out
13 - 15 Years, Male
13 - 15 Years, Female
Sprint - Sold Out
16 - 18 Years, Male
16 - 18 Years, Female
Sprint - Sold Out
19 - 29 Years, Male
19 - 29 Years, Female
Sprint - Sold Out
30 - 39 Years, Male
30 - 39 Years, Female
Sprint - Sold Out
40 - 49 Years, Male
40 - 49 Years, Female
Sprint - Sold Out
50 - 99 Years, Male
50 - 99 Years, Female
Super Sprint - Sold Out
13 - 15 Years, Male
13 - 15 Years, Female
Super Sprint - Sold Out
16 - 18 Years, Male
16 - 18 Years, Female
Super Sprint - Sold Out
19 - 29 Years, Male
19 - 29 Years, Female
Super Sprint - Sold Out
30 - 39 Years, Male
30 - 39 Years, Female
Super Sprint - Sold Out
40 - 49 Years, Male
40 - 49 Years, Female
Super Sprint - Sold Out
50 - 99 Years, Male
50 - 99 Years, Female
Junior Super Sprint <12 - Sold Out
5 - 8 Years, Male
5 - 8 Years, Female
Junior Super Sprint <12 - Sold Out
9 - 12 Years, Male
9 - 12 Years, Female
Team Categories / Events Price (AED)
SPRINT MIX Team of 2 - Sold Out
13 - 99 Years, Male/Female
SPRINT MIX Team of 3 - Sold Out
13 - 99 Years, Male/Female
Prices shown include VAT where applicable.
  • Where do I go for the event?

    Please see the Event Location map on this page.

  • What are my options for parking?

    There is parking on the street but payable from 8am, alternatively, there is parking in the Oceanic Hotel carpark.

  • Race Pack / Number collection details?

    From Endurance Bike shop - details of timings will be emailed to you, alternatively, you can collect on the morning of the race

  • Are there bag drop facilities?


  • Will there be support stations? If yes, how many, where, providing what support?

    Yes, througout the run course and at the finish line

  • What estimated time will the event finish?


  • Where can I find the results to the event?

    Please check your race email for the link

  • Accommodation Details:

    There is no better way to experience the atmosphere of the Multisport Weekend than to have an unforgettable getaway and stay on site with exclusive weekend rates from Oceanic Hotel, Khorfakkan.
    • Single room AED 450• Double room (registered race participant with a partner) AED 450• Two nights stay (registered race participant with a partner) AED 850
    Please note that these bookings are strictly by direct bookings through the following WhatsApp numbers:
    • Nader Ezzat: +971563556331• Ian Phillips: +971561802229

    All athletes participating in the races have an awards breakfast voucher included in their registration fee. All other accompanying guests for the awards breakfast will be chargeable. Please purchase the additional tickets with your race entry as availability is limited. Please note that you can collect your pre purchased tickets at the dedicated Breakfast agent next to registration on the evening before and on the morning of the race.1 Adult AED 751 Adult and 2 children aged 8-12

Included: Certificate, Medal, Photo Service or Download, Refreshments, Timing, Breakfast for all participants T Shirt Swim cap
Refund Policy: Premier Online guarantees your right to cancel and receive a refund (subject to applicable fees) for paid events within specified time limits.

* Some events have multiple start times and many events request attendees to arrive by a certain time; Please check the Event Information section above for details or contact the organizer for clarification.


Course Maps

74 Days

0 Days Left


Endurance Sports Services

Location: Khorfakkan

Contact the Organizers

Event Results

The outcome hasn't been uploaded as of now.
Please keep checking.

Event Downloads


25.11.2024 7:41 PM - 330.16 KB


25.11.2024 7:41 PM - 279.66 KB


25.11.2024 7:41 PM - 406.13 KB


25.11.2024 7:40 PM - 395.61 KB

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