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Public Prosecution Run 2024

PremierOnline > Endurance Sports Services > Public Prosecution Run 2024

City Dubai
Date 16 November 2024, Saturday
Time 06:45 am*
Registration closed on 15.11.2024 5:59 PM.
Cancel/Refund options expired on 11.11.2024 5:59 PM.
Category change options expired on 11.11.2024 5:59 PM.

Dubai Public Prosecution presents to you a new challenge within the Dubai Fitness 30*30 Challenge

The Public Prosecution, in cooperation with the Dubai Sports Council and ENDURANCE Sports Services , are pleased to invite you to participate in the Public Prosecution Run 2024

Stay active! And invite your friends and your family and run, because the Public Prosecution - Dubai Community Run is an experience you won't want to miss.

The prize money is 30,000 dirhams

Total prizes in the 5km distance for the overall categories (open and Emirati, men and women) over 16 years old are worth 18,000

Total prizes in the 1km distance for the overall categories (open and Emirati, men and women) under 15 years old are worth 12,000

النيابة العامة في دبي تقدم لكم تحدي جديد ضمن تحدي دبي للياقة البدنية 30 *30 سباق جري النيابة العامة بالتعاون مع مجلس دبي الرياضي و شركة القدرة للخدمات الرياضية يسرنا دعوتكم للمشاركة في هذا الحدث المميز و الاستمتاع بممارسة رياضة الجري .
ابق نشيطًا! وادع أصدقاءك
وعائلتك وزملائك المتحمسين للجري لأن سباق النيابة العامة - دبي المجتمعي هي تجربة لن ترغب في تفويتها

قيمة الجوائز المالية 30000 درهم للفائزين الاوائل من الجنسين

إجمالي الجوائز في مسافة 5 كيلومتر لفئات المجموع العام (المفتوحة والإماراتيين، رجال وإناث) فوق 16 سنة بقيمة 18000
إجمالي الجوائز في مسافة 1 كيلومتر لفئات المجموع العام (المفتوحة والإماراتيين، رجال وإناث) تحت 15 سنة بقيمة 12000

Individual Categories / Events Price (AED)
5 km -
13 - 15 Years, Male
13 - 15 Years, Female
5 km -
16 - 18 Years, Male
16 - 18 Years, Female
5 km -
19 - 29 Years, Male
19 - 29 Years, Female
5 km -
30 - 39 Years, Male
30 - 39 Years, Female
5 km -
40 - 49 Years, Male
40 - 49 Years, Female
5 km -
50 - 99 Years, Male
50 - 99 Years, Female
1 km -
0 - 4 Years, Male
0 - 4 Years, Female
1 km -
5 - 7 Years, Male
5 - 7 Years, Female
1 km -
8 - 12 Years, Male
8 - 12 Years, Female
1 km -
13 - 15 Years, Male
13 - 15 Years, Female
1 km -
16 - 18 Years, Male
16 - 18 Years, Female
1 km -
19 - 29 Years, Male
19 - 29 Years, Female
1 km -
30 - 39 Years, Male
30 - 39 Years, Female
1 km -
40 - 49 Years, Male
40 - 49 Years, Female
1 km -
50 - 99 Years, Male
50 - 99 Years, Female
Prices shown include VAT where applicable.
Included: Certificate, Live Results, Medal, Photo Service or Download, Refreshments, Timing
Refund Policy: Premier Online guarantees your right to cancel and receive a refund (subject to applicable fees) for paid events within specified time limits.

* Some events have multiple start times and many events request attendees to arrive by a certain time; Please check the Event Information section above for details or contact the organizer for clarification.


Course Maps

17 Days

0 Days Left


Endurance Sports Services

Location: Dubai

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