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Pyramids Half Marathon

PremierOnline > The Tri Factory > Pyramids Half Marathon

City Cairo
Date 23 December 2023, Saturday
Time 07:00 am*
Registration closed on 15.12.2023 11:59 PM.
Cancel/Refund options expired on 22.11.2023 11:59 PM.
Category change options expired on 15.11.2023 11:59 PM.

Race Through History!
The fifth annual Pyramids Half Marathon will take place on Saturday, December 9th, 2023, inviting runners from around the world to #RaceThroughHistory at the most iconic of locations: the Great Pyramids of Giza. Egypt’s signature running offers the 21K and 10K timed races in addition to 5K fun run, meaning anyone can take part and race through 5000 years of history!

Individual Categories / Events Price ($)
12 - 99 Years, Male
12 - 99 Years, Female
14 - 99 Years, Male
14 - 99 Years, Female
16 - 99 Years, Male
16 - 99 Years, Female
Prices shown include VAT where applicable.
  • By what time should I arrive at the event venue?

    On the day of the race,21K and 10K runners should arrive to the Pyramids Complex (Fayoum Road Gate) between 5:00 am and 6:15 am at the latest. 5K Fun Run participants should arrive at 10:00 am. Runners can choose to arrive via official Race Buses, can get dropped off at the pedestrian gate, or can choose to come in private cars or buses.

  • What are the start time(s) of the event?

    Race Day (09/12/2023)
    5:00 Entry to the Pyramids begins
    6:45 Final call to the Start Line
    7:00 21K & 10K begin
    10:00 Final cut-off time
    10:00 Awards Ceremony
    11:00 5K Fun Run begins

  • Where do I go for the event?

    Please see the Event Location map on this page.

  • What are my options for parking?

    For those runners coming with their private vehicles, a car pass must be purchased and passengers inside the vehicle must be wearing an access bracelet, whether as runners or spectators. In order to avoid congestion, we encourage all runners to carpool, thus reducing entry waiting times and allowing them to reach the Start Line Zone as fast as possible. On Race Day, entry to the Pyramids Complex can take up to 1 hour.

  • Race Pack / Number collection details?

    Runners will be able to pick up their Race Pack at the Race Expo on the two days preceding the Pyramids Half Marathon at Mall of Arabia in El Sheikh Zayed.
    When you arrive to the Race Expo please follow these steps:
    - Present valid personal identification (National ID Card or passport)
    - Collect your Race Number & Race Bracelet
    - Collect your Race Pack (including Race Bag, Race T-Shirt, Race ID & more)
    - Head to the Race Expo Stage to attend the live Briefings at 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm.
    - Make sure to walk around the Race Expo and view all of the different booths and exhibitors
    - If you are picking up another runner's Race Pack you must have a photocopy or screenshot of their valid photographic ID and their ticket confirmation email.

  • Are there bag drop facilities?

    Yes, runners can deposit you belongings at the Baggage Claim.

  • Will there be support stations? If yes, how many, where, providing what support?

    Nutrition will be provided to all runners on the course and at the Finish Line, but it is recommended that all runners plan their nutrition strategy in advance and make sure they have everything that they need ready for race day. Available nutrition will include:
    - Nestle Water (in small 330ml plastic bottles)
    - Electrolyte Sports Drink
    - Bananas
    ​- Nutrition Stations will be spread out regularly across the course, roughly every 2.5K.

  • Where can I find the results to the event?

    Results will be published at www.pyramidshalfmarathon.com
    Every Pyramids Half Marathon participant (21K, 10K, & 5K), receives an iconic finisher’s medal upon successful completion of their race. Rankings for the 21k and 10k races will be organised in overall and age group categories and digital certificates will be available online. Overall winners (top three males and top three females for each distance) will receive special prizes as well Age Group winners!

Included: Certificate, Goody Bag, Live Results, Medal, Refreshments, Timing, Official Puma T-shirt
Refund Policy: Premier Online guarantees your right to cancel and receive a refund (subject to applicable fees) for paid events within specified time limits.

* Some events have multiple start times and many events request attendees to arrive by a certain time; Please check the Event Information section above for details or contact the organizer for clarification.


297 Days

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The TriFactory

Location: Cairo

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