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Tough Mudder - Jeddah

PremierOnline > Cab Sports > Tough Mudder - Jeddah

City Jeddah
Date 21 January 2023, Saturday
Time 07:00 am*
Registration closed on 19.01.2023 11:59 PM.
Cancel/Refund options expired on 29.12.2022 11:59 PM.
Category change options expired on 19.01.2023 11:59 PM.

Tough Mudder Jeddah, King Abdullah Sport City.
Tough Mudder is more than just an obstacle course. Built on a foundation of
teamwork and overcoming obstacles. It’s the chance to experience the unexpected,and accomplish something bigger than yourself.
You will be required to Run, Climb ,Crawl & Pull yourself over the various obstacles, which will play on common human fears such as water, electricity and heights.
Adult participant’s will have the opportunity to take part in either a 5km or 10km distance with 21+ obstacles.Kids Below 13 years old will participate in a 1.5km course with 8+ obstacles which will challenge their teamwork.
Bring your friends and family down to Support you and cheer on you, at the Start & Finish festival area, where you can try some good food, enjoy the music, fun activities and possibly see some obstacles in action.
Event Categories are :
Mini Mudder:
1.5km Obstacle course
8+ Obstacles
Ages 6-12
TM 5k:
5km Obstacle course
13+ Obstacles
Ages 13 +
Open Category , No Timing
TM Classic (10k):
10km Obstacle course
21+ Obstacles
Ages 14+
Minors below the age of 18 years old need to be accompanied checked-in by an adult guardian.

Tough Mudder جدة ، مدينة الملك عبد الله الرياضية.
يعتبر Tough Mudder أكثر من مجرد مسار عقبة. بني على أساس
العمل الجماعي وتذليل العقبات. إنها فرصة لتجربة ما هو غير متوقع وإنجاز شيء أكبر منك.
سيُطلب منك الجري والتسلق والزحف وسحب نفسك فوق العقبات المختلفة ، والتي ستلعب على مخاوف الإنسان الشائعة مثل الماء والكهرباء والمرتفعات.
ستتاح للمشاركين البالغين فرصة المشاركة إما في مسافة 5 كيلومترات أو 10 كيلومترات مع أكثر من 21 عقبة. سيشارك الأطفال الذين تقل أعمارهم عن 13 عامًا في دورة بطول 1.5 كيلومتر مع أكثر من 8 عوائق والتي ستشكل تحديًا لعملهم الجماعي.
اجلب أصدقاءك وعائلتك لدعمك وابتهاجك ، في منطقة المهرجان Start & Finish ، حيث يمكنك تجربة بعض الطعام الجيد ، والاستمتاع بالموسيقى والأنشطة الممتعة وربما مشاهدة بعض العقبات أثناء العمل.
فئات الحدث هي:
ميني مودر:
1.5 كم عقبة
8+ عقبات
الأعمار من 6 إلى 12 عامًا
TM 5k:
5 كم عقبة بالطبع
13+ عقبات
الأعمار 13 +
فتح فئة ، بلا توقيت
TM كلاسيك (10 كيلو):
10 كم عقبة بالطبع
21+ عقبات
الأعمار 14+
يجب أن يكون القاصرون الذين تقل أعمارهم عن 18 عامًا برفقة وصي بالغ عند تسجيل الوصول.

Individual Categories / Events Price (SAR)
11:00 AM - 10K Classic
13 - 15 Years, Male
13 - 15 Years, Female
10:45 AM - Mini Mudder: 6-8 years old Only
9 - 12 Years, Male
9 - 12 Years, Female
11:30 AM - 5K
14 - 65 Years, Male
14 - 65 Years, Female
12:00 PM - 5K
14 - 65 Years, Male
14 - 65 Years, Female
12:15 PM - Mini Mudder: 9-12 years old Only
9 - 12 Years, Male
9 - 12 Years, Female
12:30 PM - 5K
14 - 65 Years, Male
14 - 65 Years, Female
7:30 AM - Tougher Mudder 10K
14 - 65 Years, Male
14 - 65 Years, Female
8:00 AM - Classic 10K
14 - 65 Years, Male
14 - 65 Years, Female
8:30 AM - 5K
13 - 65 Years, Male
13 - 65 Years, Female
9:00 AM - Mini Mudder: 6-8 years old Only
6 - 8 Years, Male
6 - 8 Years, Female
9:15 AM - 5K & 10K Classic youth Ages 13 - 16
13 - 15 Years, Male
13 - 15 Years, Female
9:45 AM - 5K & 10K Classic youth Ages 16 - 18
16 - 18 Years, Male
16 - 18 Years, Female
10:00 AM - Mini Mudder: 9-12 years old Only
9 - 12 Years, Male
9 - 12 Years, Female
10:00 AM - 10K Classic
13 - 15 Years, Male
13 - 15 Years, Female
10:30 AM - 5K
14 - 65 Years, Male
14 - 65 Years, Female
14:00 PM - LADIES ONLY Timed 10K
14 - 65 Years, Female
14:30 PM LADIES ONLY Classic 10K & 5K
13 - 65 Years, Female
Prices shown include VAT where applicable.
Included: Photo Service or Download, Refreshments, Head band & T-shirt
Refund Policy: Premier Online guarantees your right to cancel and receive a refund (subject to applicable fees) for paid events within specified time limits.

* Some events have multiple start times and many events request attendees to arrive by a certain time; Please check the Event Information section above for details or contact the organizer for clarification.


-774 Days

0 Days Left


CaB Sports

Location: Jeddah

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