Shakhbout Fun Run
“The photographers must be energetic and interested...I feel they are so lazy”
“Feel good and managed well.”
“شكرا لكم على تنظيم هذه السباقات في الضواحي السكنية ونقترح بعمل سباق كل مدة معينة مثل شهرين او ثلاث اشهر ولدي مقترح الان معظم المناطق السكنية بها مسارات مشي وركض مقترحي قبل اي سباق بمدة معينة عمل لوحات او اعلانات مزودة برمز وصول سريع كيو ار كود كنوع من الدعاية وسهولة وصول الافراد لصفحات التسجيل انا من سكان مدينة شخبوط مثلا ومعظم جيراني ومعارفي لم يكن لديهم اي فكرة عن هذا السباق مع انهم رياضيين ويمارسون رياضة الركض بشكل يومي ”
“Enjoyed the event ... New place was good too. May there be many more community events in future too. ”
“I did not getveven my single picture where rest had 10 pictures ”
“السباق كان جميل وممتع .. لكن التوقيت كان يفصل فترة العصر .. خصوصا نحن في فصل الشتاء والاجواء جميلة عصرا .. وايضاً لو كان في تتويج للاوائل كان نوع من التشجيع خصوصا ان الأغلبية هواة .. شكرا جزيلا ”
“It’s a fun one… looking forward to next year ”
“Great community run. Well organised and friendly volunteers ”
“شكرا لكن لم يتم تصوير الابناء ولا صوره واحده ”
“It was great time wonderful event ”
“Great to run with many people!”
“Best event .. thank you”
“Thanks for a great event, really enjoyed the fun run.”
“Would like to have out activity so that enjoy all the moments before and after the run”
“Very nice and well organized event, would love to visit again”
“Very good event. Enjoyed it. Thanks ”
“Great fun run despite 10 minutes late to start.”
“Well organized thank you all ”
“It was amazing. I wanna do again ”
“Thanks team whom did the right and well cooperation ”
“Organization of the event from the beginning to the end and during the race was perfect”
“Event should be in any sport ground not in the residential area. Participants should look identical so will more energy (like same uniform , shirt , cap etc). These can be enhance next time.”
“Amazing event and we enjoyed it with our friends”
“It is a very excellent event.”
“Some people were able to shortcut few meters , also if possible to have the time for each runner ”
“amazing event for family and everyone, nice medals.. totally well organised.”
“Great experience. Thanks to the organizers and volunteers.”
“The staff was rude . ”
“Well planned and organized event, really was fun to attend. Thank a ton for the organizers.”
“It was a great experience…. Hoping more runs….. thank u ”
“It was very good.. I enjoyed ”
“It was amazing and good to have such activity ”
“It was a fantastic event.”
“Well organized Event, Event start on scheduled time”
“Great experience. We really had fun”
“It's an enjoyable run. Thank you very much.”
“My first Fun Run and glad to have been part of this experience, will do it again, kids loved it and loved the medals, would be great to have kids sized medals and make it competitive for them "color wise" because they asked me which color medals are they getting gold, silver? my answer was all of them are the same color, maybe if you place a challenge of "time" for kids. to be honest I couldn't keep up with my kids I lost them with nannies during the fun run! I'm glad the place was safe! ”
“So nice event enjoy it very well organized ??”
“good Great organization The track is bad ”
“Fantastic!! Brilliantly organised and in a great location with easy parking. I wouldn’t mind paying a little bit like 20-40 dirhams if the event was timed and there were overall race winners for men and women. Thank you for another brilliant event - looking forward to the next the next one! ”
“Lovely community of Shakhbout & best organization as always from the team myabudhabi360”
“Well organised event, thank you ”
“It’s great! Hope there will be a lot like this activity.”
“The race was great but the time was at Maghrib prayer time.”
“We had fun and enjoyed the run. ”
“مراثون جميل وتنظيم رائع نشكركم على جهودكم”
“Thanks to Abu Dhabi sports Council 360 for organising this run.”
“try to provide t shirts as that motivate people to join these kind of run races”